A Transformers movie that wasn’t


I watched the third Transformers movie recently and it sucked. Ok, to be fair it was a very valiant attempt to remake the second Transformers movie with a coherent plot. And, in this respect, it succeeds in the sense that there is a mostly coherent plot. It combines the plot of a first season transformers cartoon episode with the idea that we found aliens on the moon.

And as an alien invasion movie, it wasn’t half bad. But that is the issue, isn’t it? That’s been the issue the whole time. They aren’t Transformer movies, they are alien invasion movies. Mikey Bay himself admitted that he had never seen any Transformers and thought the idea of making a movie about a toy was stupid UNTIL someone said “well think of it as an alien invasion movie.”

And he did. Now to be fair, the first movie almost gets it. While it is about an alien invasion, it still has, as its focus, at least one of the transformers: Bumblebee.

The second movie is the amazing adventures of Shia Laboof and his Air Force buddies with some fancy cars that show up at the end to fight something buried in the great pyramid.

By the third movie the fact that these large robots can transform is inconsequential to the plot as a whole. They are no longer Robots in Disguise, but Robots that are also their own transportation.

More importantly, they are not the main characters of the movie. I understand the desire to have a character that the audience identifies with, who in this movie is played by the LaBoof, but that should not overshadow the actual characters of the movie. You know, the ones the movie is named after.

Think of it this way. There is a movie coming out called BATMAN. And the previews all have a dude in a suit kicking some ass. But then you go see it and it is actually a police procedural with Gordon as a detective still hunting down a murderer in Gotham and sometimes this guy dressed up as a bat shows up and helps.* That isn’t a BATMAN movie. That’s a Detective Gordon movie with a cameo.

And these are not Transformer movies. Robot alien invasion movies with valiant humans fighting to keep their planet, yes. Movies about robots in disguise? not at all. And that is my real issue with them. Not the Bay-isms, the gratuitous ass shots, the exploding toaster ovens or even the off handed ‘humor’ that just sucks. It is that he didn’t even really try to make a Transformers movie.

So why bother? sure there is product recognition, sure there is a pre-existing audience, but they are all familiar with this world. And if there is anything to learn about nerdy fan boys is that we know our stuff. This is part of the fan-fiction discussion I made earlier. Even for Mikey Bay there are rules to this world of Robots in Disguise, and instead of making a great Transformers movie by living in them, he chose to make a mediocre movie about alien robots.

* BTW, i think this movie would kick ass. So if you are a DC guy with Batman pull and you like it, steal it, and make it.

Quick NaNoWriMo Update

Here we are on the 3rd of November and my word count is zero.

There are things about NaNoWriMo that I love. Mostly the energy around the time as so many people are writing, creating and loving art. But as I said a few days ago, there is a downside, and that downside is November. This November in particular doesn’t mesh well with a writing marathon.

And it is, no doubt, a marathon.

So, November, I will write. I have a ghost story to tell. I just will not be doing it under a deadline.

To all those out there doing NaNoWriMo, best of luck to you. I’m cheering you on.


A Month in the Life, October

And the fall begins. is the tenth month of 2011 already completed? A bit quieter than September, and yet still with its adventures. I went to Vegas and Colorado. There was rugby and dancing and Les Miserables and even a few mornings where I dared to sleep in.

The Path Down

I found a program for my iPhone (I GOT AN IPHONE) that pretends to be a typewriter. That’s about it. Makes little cards that you can send or upload. I suspect I’ll be playing with this a lot. Here is my first one.


October brought the resurgence of April. I started editing my poems from April and even began posting the pages from my notebook of those revisions up as well. When it is all completed there will be a nice collection of poems in all their stages. They are coming along. I found more gems than I expected, which is always a good feeling.

Speaking of poems, I read a few and posted them to SoundCloud. Here, listen:
The Three Living and the Three Dead by tinscho

I definitely see now a difference in the months, such as February and April, where I had a plan for each day, vice the other more free form months. November, which starts today, presents the temptation of NaNoWriMo. In case there is a reader who doesn’t know, NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month. You write a novel in a month (50,000 words). It is all about quantity, and less about quality.

I do have an idea, although no real preparations for it. It is a good old fashioned ghost story inspired by a ghost tour I did of downtown Annapolis. So i think i have a plan.

I’m going to work on this Annapolis ghost story for the month of November. I won’t be posting it online, but I’ll tweet my word count and promise there will be other art things that I will post.

I won’t promise 50,000 words. But I’m aiming for it.