Notes from a Work In Progress

There were rules… I’m not always the kind to follow them. I was tagged on a post on Facebook and thought I’d share it here too.

Post the first sentence from each of the first 3 chapters in your WIP to your Wall, as requested by John Boden and Kevin Lucia … and since the WIP doesn’t really have chapter breaks yet, this was a close approximation.

My Brother’s Mountain

Chapter 1

“Your brother is missing.”

Chapter 2

The last flashes of a dream, a Nepalese woman pointing out over the landscape to a mountain, faded from Rachel’s mind at the sound of her father’s voice.

Chapter 3

It was nearly the end of Monsoon season, but the morning still brought downpour.

Operation Ice Bat

Operation Ice Bat – $2.99


Available now on Nook, Kindle and Kobo, this anthology, which features some of the best in the genre (well, and me), is to help a friend in need. ALL of the proceeds from this book go to our friend Dave Thomas.





Here is the full Table of Contents:

Introduction – Brian Keene
Breathe My Name – Christopher Golden
The Tin Box – Kelli Owen
For Whom We Mourn – Geoff Cooper
Inviolable – Mandy DeGeit
Mouth – Nate Southard
Little King – Nikki McKenzie
Home – J.F. Gonzalez
The Taste of Our Indiscretions – Robert Ford
In the Details – Michele Mixell
The Guardian of Tsalal – Brian Keene
A Family Birthday – Jacob Haddon
Emily’s Kiss – James A. Moore
Pretty, Pretty Shiny – Alyn Day
I’m Dreaming of a White Doomsday – Mike Lombardo
The Mime – Mary SanGiovanni
The Wretched Spawn – Michael H. Antonio
Arrearages – Wesley Southard
Noogle Knock – Robert Swartwood


more info at Brian Keene’s blog: