A Month in the Life, September

Ah September. Did you let me breathe? It certainly didn’t feel like it. It started with work deadlines, “Get this done by 30 September, OR ELSE!” Mix in traveling engineers and bad weather, and there were several late nights at the office.

But there was Horrorfind, which, as always, rocked. Good friends, good times. I did a reading on Sunday of two stories: Tuesday Morning and Bedtime Monsters.

Then I went to Disney, which provided days of pictures. This one is one of my favorites.

Epcot at Night

Did I hit once a day in art? probably not. But despite the busy schedule, there were still lots of creative moments.

Almost caught up with life. Almost. Rest well, September, you deserve it.

April Revisited

I have the scans of the April poems up now on my Flickr site. They are embedded on the April page, but here they are as well. No censoring, no secrets, just the pages straight from my notebook for each of the April poems.

Monday I started editing a few of them, and I liked what was coming out. I think I’ll scan in the revision work as well, and just throw this entire journey out there for everyone to see. Who knows, maybe we’ll all learn something.

I do think I’ll be doing some editing and reworking of the layout of the April page. You know me, always have to tinker with the geek side as well.